It was the first time a university had been established via Executive Council resolution.
It is 334 hectares in size and was established via private land acquisition.
Land access to the area was difficult until a route from the west was established via Canterbury.
The old prison was established by the Spanish colonial government on 25 June 1865 via royal decree.
The connection between the mobile device and the corporate file server is established via a cloud service.
Communication was established via a telegraph line to Jamieson, and two local papers were in circulation.
The government of the nation, he claimed, could only be established via the ballot box.
In many business models a contractual relationship is established first via a Contract or Subscription.
The co-operative would no longer be obliged to issue or redeem shares at a price established via an independent valuation process.
And the "Why" refers to the management directive established via a "Policy".