First, a unit would be established solely to investigate and prosecute; second, an agency would be created to monitor and regulate.
The Bisei Spaceguard Center was established solely to track asteroids and space debris.
Many Serbs also feel that the tribunal in The Hague, which has indicted him for crimes against humanity, was established solely to persecute them.
The president of the bank, Edward Travaglianti, said such programs were not established solely to impress regulators.
Indirect relationships should not be established solely to distance CDC from a specific partner, thereby avoiding an external perception of an inappropriate collaboration.
It was established solely to "define precisely the present exposure of the population of the world to ionizing radiation."
However, it survived very well among the people until the nineteenth century, when public schools were established with teaching solely in French.
The Thomas B. Harms music publishing company is established solely to publish popular music, then referring to parlor music.
"Genuine peace cannot be established solely by arms control," the declaration said.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is unacceptable that such a basic universal principal as accessibility to healthcare should be established solely under the rules of the internal market.