Since the 1930s the Indochinese Communist Party had established wholly Vietnamese cells in Laos.
The spontaneously immortalized cells with stable growth rate were established after 20-30 generations in culture, and then named '3T3' cells.
Police and intelligence officials say that Canada's generous immigration policies have meant that foreign terror groups can more easily establish and maintain cells here.
They're already establishing commercial cells in those areas.
On a new housing estate the priority task is to establish Christian cells rather than launch into a brick-by-brick building scheme.
If they have managed to establish cells in major cities like New York, there will be terrible violence against the Temple and its members.
He told me he established cells of fighters he called "families."
During the early nineties, Zawahiri travelled tirelessly, setting up training camps and establishing cells.
Note that Hassan has two subordinates that have not yet established operational cells.