This Fund established a cross-subsidy system among consumers that benefits users with monthly consumption below 100kWh through fixed and proportional discounts.
The first endeavor to establish a town below the junction of the rivers, in 1857, failed due to misfortunes of two of the three participants.
There he established a garrison (castellum) below the Saluvian oppidum of Entremont.
Only Japan voted against the proposal to establish the sanctuary in waters below the 40th parallel.
Soviet command and control suffered almost complete breakdown, worst hit was 4th Army which failed to establish communications both with headquarters above and below it.
Their advance platoons established themselves barely fifty yards below the ridge, where a depression offered them shelter.
The Virginia General Assembly established a fort on the Rappahannock in 1676, just below the present-day city.
In 2006, Andreescu established a math camp for talented middle and high school mathematicians just below Olympiad level.
Later that year, Paterson established a pilot station and signal station in the sheltered bay below Low Head.
It was not and is not logical to assume that any race would establish a fixed status at any level of ability below its absolute maximum.