This has resulted in many residential communities establishing themselves 101 km away from city borders.
For others, they began to explore the possibility of establishing group homes away from Watertown and closer to people's families.
These mongooses do not migrate except to establish their own territory away from their mother's range.
The local homeowners association is pressing the council to establish a separate viewing area away from their neighbourhood.
It was recorded in difficult times for the artist as he sought to establish his name away from previous successful associations.
"First we must establish you away from this complex-" They moved up the stairs.
In 1867, he struggled to establish a career away from his blackface act.
You have to establish the natural position away from the keyboard, and then carry it back.
In early 1846, Young left with most of the Mormons and headed west to establish a new settlement, away from persecution.
She has to face troubles to establish a new life for herself away from her family.