In August 1884, he continued his research work in München, where pediatrics had been established as a department of the medical faculty.
When the Air Force was established as a separate department, it continued the use of the system for electronic equipment.
Another major organizational change was in 1978 when Computer Science was established as a separate department.
By this time, the Boone School had grown into a university; the library school would be initially established as a department within the college.
Plastic Surgery was established as a separate department in 2005.
The University Institute of Legal Studies was established as a separate department in 2004.
Established as a department within Beijing Language and Culture University, the press issued its first title in 1985.
The oldest of the college's departments, the institute was established as a department in 1910.
It was originally established as a department of the College of Agriculture.
He effectively established the War Office as a department of the government, although he had very little input into the actual conduct of wars.