China's oil companies are also finally establishing a foothold in Russia after years of striking out.
Being the 57th political party of Turkey, it was established on June 30, 2008 after years of preparation since 2002.
Zainichi today have established a stable presence in Japan after years of activism.
The Authority established the first commercial television station in Israel, Channel 2, in November 1993 after several years of test broadcasts.
Botswana has finally established its very first medical school after years of intensive planning to get this project underway.
The story is set in an unnamed country struggling to establish democracy after years of rule by a repressive military regime.
It established Zhang's position as a "legitimate" director after years of working independently from, and often at odds with, the Chinese authorities.
The Support Group was established after years of staff study, several reorganizations and extensive planning to determine the organization needed to best meet its unique mission.
It was established in 2007 after years of campaigning by Eileen Hickey, who collected the exhibits.
How powerful is the National Salvation Front, and how will any government be able to establish its legitimacy after years of tyrannical rule?