He soon established a small mill, which was built in the style typical of this region, during the second half of the 19th century.
They established a mill on the brook near the property, the remains of which can still be seen.
He disappeared one night with a considerable amount of money and soon established a mill in the North.
He established a woolen mill to manufacture cotton cloth.
He offered some selected parcels free upon condition that the buyer would establish a mill or an inn, to help stimulate growth in the area.
He purchased the townsite in 1868 and established a mill, hotel, newspaper, and store.
He established a mill on what is still called Mill Creek.
Line established a mill at the site in 1820.
This same Company established a mill at Badger sometime around the turn of the century.
During the 1870s, settlers made an effort to establish a woolen mill, a tannery and a dairy industry.