And the novel, in turn, essentially mirrored Mr. Vargas Llosa's own youthful marriage to his aunt-in-law, Julia Urquidi.
This measure, the most sweeping in the nation, will create "civil unions" that essentially mirror civil marriages.
Such results essentially mirror those of shopping comparison sites, but there are two fundamental differences between the browser-based services and the shopping comparison sites.
But these days, the portfolio's sector allocations essentially mirror those of the index.
This is because the development of the telegraph essentially mirrored the development of the Internet.
Forty states have antitrust laws that essentially mirror the Federal Sherman Antitrust Act, he said.
And what Dr. Smarr sees is this: the rapid emergence of a much more extensive cyberspace that will essentially mirror the physical world.
The Senate bill essentially mirrored the Administration priorities, while the House bill reversed them, providing almost no money for the MX.
The colors essentially mirrored those of their male counterparts of corresponding rank in the equivalent service uniform although fabrics differed.
For now, the weightings essentially mirror those of the index, he said, because he added more technology stocks after Sept. 11, bringing the tech percentage up to the mid-teens.