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As markets around the world have devolved into turmoil, lenders have essentially halted financing for companies whose prospects are considered uncertain.
Adobe retains copyright on Atmosphere and does not give permission for others to distribute copies of the software, so the company's decision to stop making the Builder available for purchase has essentially halted the creation of new worlds.
Despite the combined efforts of the original "core four" nations and the "support group", the Contadora process essentially halted during June 1986; the Central American countries failed to resolve their differences sufficiently to permit the signing of a final treaty draft.
After her death, Mr. Ephron's career as a screenwriter essentially halted.
Job creation, which jumped last fall in what seemed like a significant turnaround in the unemployment outlook, cooled to a tepid level in November and essentially halted in December.
Over the last 14 years, the spraying has essentially halted transmission of the disease in an area where, in the same period, four million children have been born, Dr. Samba said in a recent interview.
Fighting was essentially halted for 2 April, after Hawiye clan leaders declared a truce with Ethiopian military officials starting 2 pm 1 April.
A core region, called the First Hydrostatic Core, forms where the collapse is essentially halted.
Following this disaster, advancements in train speed in the United States essentially halted.
In the Jamila industrial district, home to Mr. Thiab's company, at least a half-dozen other candy producers have essentially halted production.