Other than spelling my first name with two l's instead of one, they essentially got the facts right.
One other problem was that they could just reboot the packs, essentially getting their second life, which does not happen on the battle field.
They may pay the face value of the ticket, but they're essentially getting a gift, because the market value is much higher.
Proponents of the stock say investors can essentially get its cellular properties for free.
So there were 21 different ways of essentially getting around that kind of barrier.
"You're paying for what would be a glass of wine, but essentially getting a half-bottle."
The thing they do with that money is essentially get votes; right?
By splitting the larger dose, you can essentially get two doses for the price of one.
I'm out there, essentially getting nowhere on a worthless pervert 459.
He sent it off to Marsters "and essentially got agreement straight away".