This essentially breaks the integrity of the wing, allowing for a much easier movement in the up direction.
A $103 million deficit in 2003 fell to $32 million this year, and the hospital expects to essentially break even next year.
Witness essentially broke even last year, earning $48,000 on $68 million in sales.
The band essentially broke while recording the album, and Reed walked off before it was finished.
Let's take it from the point where you have essentially broke the door down.
It is a technique that essentially breaks the fundamental architecture of the internet.
Most analysts think that in 1990 Zenith will essentially break even, posting either a small loss or profit.
The specialty chemicals business essentially broke even for the quarter, the company said, down from operating income of $5.4 million a year ago.
The system essentially breaks even after the university picks up the cost for university employees and everyone else pays 50 cents per ride.
The company essentially broke even on a per-share basis for the second quarter in a row.