Now it turns out that the essential product, the racing, may not work without Hialeah's being part of the equation.
Next time you are out shopping try this test; the less essential a product is, the more packaging it will have.
You can't eat it, but steel, an essential product for China's modernization, has a great deal to do with keeping rice on the table.
You can skip the pricey athletic club fees and build a total exercise program with these essential products.
The two following clauses describe the essential products of the Mass from the perspective of the congregation.
Both doctors and device companies defend the financial relationships they have as essential for the development of what are often life-saving products.
The Manchester Liberals argued that free trade would lead to a more equitable society, making essential products available to all.
For the Seychelles, fish, and mainly swordfish, is an essential product to be brought to our markets.
Importers are particularly hard hit, with the government restricting foreign currency to essential products such as food, medicines and oil.
Taillades was a soda factory, a product essential to the manufacture of soap.