Today, the eighth amendment is still an essential argument employed by those in favor of abolishing capital punishment.
Frank's essential argument is, however, that the right did not have to make sense because it provided the only vehicle for popular anger.
His essential argument is that "salutogenesis" depends on experiencing a strong "sense of coherence."
As is often the case, the controversy touched off by the letter does not deal with the essential argument.
She calls on us to 'document the diversity of women's experience, and not reify an essential argument about gender'(1985: 179).
He also distinguished between physical and mental recapitulation, in which the differences would become an essential argument for his theory of neuroses.
Kuttner's essential argument has been the same for many years.
No matter how serious a discussion turned, he never forgot what he considered the essential argument.
The acid test is this: will you be able to read through your notes the next day and recapture the essential arguments used by the lecturer?
The problem with his book is that the essential arguments against government-sanctioned attempts to enforce civility are not very new.