Americans simply could not afford the luxury of enjoying a game and were forced to allocate their money for more essential amenities.
In the latter half of the 19th Century, Victoria Park became an essential amenity for the working classes of the East End.
As the summer residence, its gardens, laid out in the French style in 1728-1748, were an essential amenity.
Corporate donors provide Ronald McDonald Houses with the essential amenities needed in order to provide families with a comfortable stay.
Although essential amenities such as running water, furniture and a limited ration of food were provided, luxury items were often forbidden.
These societies, then made roads (within their respective land) and erected other essential amenities by themselves and allotted plots to members.
It is the site of the former National Telephone Company's local exchange, and public call office; an essential public amenity in the days before widespread domestic telephone ownership.
Yet it lacks neither essential amenities nor clever refinements.
He added that in his view there are two essential amenities to easing the roommate way of life: separate phone lines, and a cleaning service.
Continued use of the park drive by walkers, joggers, runners, skaters and cyclists is an essential amenity of life in Manhattan.