Philosophy of Technology and Engineering, Springer, published a collection of essays dedicated to "Luciano Floridi's Philosophy of Technology - Critical Reflections".
Space and time in geography : essays dedicated to Torsten Hägerstrand" (1981)
Burroughs continued to publicly disagree with Long and his allies, and a number of his essays dedicated to "sham nature history" were collected in the volume Ways of Nature, published in late 1905.
Flohic have paired up writers and artists, commissioning essays dedicated to particular works which are illustrated alongside.
They are short essays dedicated to different topics.
The composers Hector Berlioz and Richard Wagner attained greatness as conductors, and they wrote two of the earliest essays dedicated to the subject.
This high school text book compiled a series of essays dedicated to the thinkers and revolutionaries whose names were carved in the obelisk that stands in the Alexander Gardens, near the walls of the Kremlin.
In 1942, with Cioculescu, Constantinescu, Streinu, and Vianu, he contributed essays dedicated to their mentor Lovinescu, celebrating his 60th birthday.
In an essay dedicated to this topic, Barbara Lloyd, director of one of the many Fife Folklore Conferences, describes it this way:
The essay, dedicated to Michael Feingold (a critic of "The Village Voice"), is divided in three chapters: The Wind-Chill Factor, Second Act Problems, and Three Uses of the Knife.