"The really know all about the esoteric regional stuff like special cheeses, and meats," he said.
I think that she must have been talking of some of her other visitors, who perhaps read her more esoteric stuff than I did.
What esoteric stuff you been reading recently?
For about 15 minutes of an hour program I'd talk about that esoteric stuff.
However, we also decided that that was ending in 1969, because we were studying such esoteric stuff, which would not have applications.
All of the esoteric stuff is behind that "Advanced" button, but at least it's finally all in one place.
"It's harder and harder to finance esoteric stuff that isn't profitable," he said, as well as basic services like pediatrics.
Some esoteric stuff, across many disciplines.
We did simple music and esoteric stuff.
That most marvelous and esoteric stuff was, in fact, well known elsewhere.