This belief, founded on an obvious fallacy, is surrounded by esoteric ritual and elaborate ceremonies which are based on a primitive cult of fertility.
Over time, Kegon incorporated esoteric ritual from Shingon Buddhism, with which it shared a cordial relationship.
Oxford is much given to esoteric ritual.
Vajrayana (the diamond vehicle) has a mystic bent; a number of Vajrayana sects practice esoteric rituals to gain spiritual purity.
These same deities proceed to teach him a more direct path to Enlightenment through esoteric ritual.
Cassie gazed in fascination, watching this piece of mime as though it were some esoteric ritual.
It was as though they'd been initiated into the secrets of Broey's citadel through an esoteric ritual both forbidding and dangerous.
The group functioned as a secret society, making use of esoteric ritual, including a four degree system of initiation.
Traditional religious practices, especially among lower caste Hindus, centred around various rural folk traditions, esoteric rituals and superstitions.
Unlike mandalas used in Vajrayana Buddhism, it is not used as an object of meditation or for esoteric ritual.