It is quite clear that Hitler himself had little interest in, and made little time for, "esoteric" matters.
I doubt he has much truck with, or even concept of, such esoteric matters as conscience.
A gorgeous, light-glinting painting by Sam Gordon looks like a data bank for esoteric spiritual matter.
Heinrich Himmler showed a strong interest in esoteric matters.
Albo gives regular presentations and continues his research into esoteric matters.
No-this is a rather esoteric matter, perhaps; one with which you are conversant, I am sure.
In those previous positions he was often dealing with esoteric legal matters.
I could surmise nothing of the Master's thoughts, except that they concerned dark and esoteric matters.
Her mind's on other, more esoteric matters.
Second, we should acknowledge that fact-finding is a more esoteric matter than it once was.