Budapest's defenders asked permission to leave the city and escape the encirclement.
They escape the encirclement twice but the Apaches continue their pursuit.
The partisans also usually managed to escape the German encirclement by withdrawing, slipping or breaking through.
This attack failed with heavy losses, although it may have allowed some units to escape the western encirclement towards Minsk.
The men under Moldenhauer's command managed to escape the encirclement through a small corridor to the east.
Some of the mercenaries, Jeff suspected, had managed to escape the encirclement.
By the end of the battle, only a little over 1,000 troops had escaped the encirclement of the Chinese army, the rest being killed or captured.
After only a few weeks, the corps had exhausted itself in its efforts to escape the encirclement.
Isolated pockets of German formations were trying to fight their way through, but only small remnants managed to escape the encirclement.
Four out of five escaped the encirclement.