Razor shells can dig themselves into the sand with great speed to escape predation.
After a few days, the hopper bands disintegrate and those that escape predation become solitary again.
Hamilton gave some entertaining examples of animals attempting to escape predation by clumping.
They aren't active during the day, so they escape predation by birds.
They are there to feed and to escape predation from larger fish, including their own parents.
Behavioral responses to escape predation include burrowing into substrate and being active only through a restricted period of the day.
As well, they jump from branch to branch for prey or to escape predation.
To escape predation, calves remain close to their mothers for a significant time, and may suckle for up to one year.
Predators often encounter prey that attempt to escape predation.
P. pembertoni escapes predation through their nocturnal and secretive habits.