Only 25,000 men escaped during this period, including 7,000 on the first day.
The gang escaped with a £70,000 haul, including silver, paintings and a Mercedes car.
However, it appears that the majority escaped, including the eight reges alongside Chnodomar.
Some 36 people, nearly all men, escaped, including Bailey who was mortally wounded, and 2 women and one girl.
The other three escaped, including two who returned to the fort to raise the alarm.
One Iraqi official claimed that 150 prisoners escaped including the two soldiers.
The 59th escaped the maelstrom after losing 224 men killed, wounded, and missing, including the loss of 8 officers.
Between 1850 and 1860 she helped approximately 300 slaves escape from slavery, including her parents.
Another 104 escaped with varying degrees of injury, including the flight crew.
Sixteen crewmembers were lost, but fifteen escaped including seven from the bottom.