On a night the Mets for once escaped defeat, they didn't escape controversy.
A spade lead is highly probable, and if South escapes immediate defeat, he will need to run five diamond tricks.
It may be our only chance to escape defeat" Roberta winced at the very thought, squinching her features together tightly.
In the opening match, Ponting top-scored for Australia with 74 from 85 balls, as his team narrowly escaped defeat.
He would never raise his eyes from the game until he knew his opponent could not escape defeat.
South covered with the 10, his third error, and could not escape defeat when East won with the jack and led the queen.
But the votes show that Mr. Bush did not win; he narrowly escaped defeat.
Mike Garman retired the side in the ninth for the Dodgers, who narrowly escaped defeat.
But the constitution narrowly escaped defeat, as Sunni Arabs turned out in large numbers to vote against it.
Again, faced by superior enemy numbers and potential encirclement, the Partisans escaped defeat but not without cost.