The latest minor eruptive event occurred in August 1907.
However, he died of illness on December 8 of the same year without being able to witness the end of the eruptive event.
A field study was conducted in late 2001, and an automatic system based on thermal anomalies was implemented following eruptive events in 2005.
The scale of the eruptive events that produced these features remains unclear.
Following the event, eruptive events yearly and nearly continuous, a state of activity that remains today.
These have commonly resulted in a classification of the eruptive events into the following structures:
"That's How You Jazz," as the number is called, makes the invention of jazz a miraculous, eruptive theatrical event.
This massive eruptive event occurred during the Mesoproterozoic era about 1,267 million years ago.
The eruptive events were classified as explosive events with volcanic bursts of ejected material, visible flame and pyroclastic hot air flows.
The measurement results indicated a rapidly increasing rate of growth of the lava dome in the build up to the eruptive events of 25-26 October 2010.