And Mr. Salinas, while never allowing the conflict to erupt publicly, has not hesitated to maneuver around Mr. Ruffo in ways that might prove politically costly.
Even so, a number of gulf residents interviewed here, in Kuwait and in Saudi Arabia said they could not recall such discord erupting publicly between the two nations.
Indeed, its focus is rare exoterica: these books publicly erupted onto the 19th-century English scene.
A BATTLE behind the scenes for control of N. W. Ayer & Partners, the venerable New York agency struggling to make a comeback, erupted publicly yesterday.
Those tensions erupted publicly last week, to be followed by shows of reconciliation.
The growing friction between both musicians would erupt publicly in 1986, before they resolved their differences a couple of years later.
Afraid of sentiments like that, the legislators publicly erupted today in frustration and anger - lashing out at their own lawyers and sniping at one another.
Bill Clinton led a political team that, while battle-tested and successful, could sometimes function as an all-night idea session with thoughts being tossed out as trial balloons and internal debates erupting publicly.
And so a month of frustration by the sinking Bengals erupted publicly Sunday after they lost to the Baltimore Ravens, 26-20.
The issue erupted publicly on Nov. 10, when Ms. Margaritis stood up at a board meeting.