Not, at least, if you were one of the erstwhile prisoners.
Catching sight of Noga and Swain, Steiger abandoned Paige and hustled after his erstwhile prisoner.
Knowing The Shadow to be Cranston, Yeddo was duplicating the nonchalance of his erstwhile prisoner.
The erstwhile prisoner quickly inserted into his now clean cheeks the pads, which Sandy Areson had made for his first impersonation.
M. Funck-Brentano argues that 'mon ancien prisonnier' can only mean 'my erstwhile prisoner, he who was lost and is restored to me'--that is, Mattioli.
They tore the drive units from one of the lifeboats and herded Holt and his crew and his erstwhile prisoners into the boat.
On thinking back I could not recall seeing such a belt on my erstwhile prisoner when he surrendered.
The erstwhile prisoners remained with Helsse and the corpses.
Too eager to get back to Ganymedes and tell him this news, the horsemen galloped off, leaving their erstwhile prisoners to return to Caesar.
Many erstwhile prisoners were felicitated on this occasion by the Government of India.