Many restaurants offer ersatz versions of the delight, but soggy morsels sprinkled with pink sugar are pale substitutes for the real thing.
Unlike the official Presidential seal, this ersatz version hanging from the lectern at a recent White House news briefing did not have an American eagle.
After the fall of the Soviet Union, the pool was torn up too, and the church was rebuilt as an ersatz version of the original, rising atop a multistory garage.
Mr. Sturridge said the star wanted to know the project would go all the way, shoot on the ice and not attempt some ersatz version on a sound stage somewhere.
It's more a dairy product than a drink, which is probably why most people settle for the somewhat ersatz version found with the yogurt and cream cheese in the supermarket.
But this was an ersatz version of the late Balanchine-Stravinsky ballets.
An appreciation for the rhetorical power of movies - to distort our sense of place by offering up persuasive but ersatz versions of authenticity - emerges from these books as well.
Nor does Mr. Mayne accept the notion that to save our urban centers, we must transform them into ersatz versions of small-town America with themed pedestrian environments.
As with many other dishes, ersatz versions are made with commercial bottled sauces.
Mr. Advent, however, remains convinced that his neighborhood will be a success, so much so that he believes that even New Yorkers will respond to the ersatz version.