The problem with the methods described above is that errors will accumulate and the series will tend to diverge from the true function.
Even small errors in the original data can accumulate into substantial error later in the simulation.
When composing several rotations on a computer, rounding errors necessarily accumulate.
"What it means," Ray shot back, "is that the accounting program screwed up again and the roundoff errors are accumulating."
Without correction, errors in the initial pseudorange of roughly 10 km/day would accumulate.
The longer the flight, the more error accumulates within the system.
This follow-the-leader put his nerves even more on edge; small errors could accumulate and throw the last boats right into the mines.
This error accumulates for users with moderate commutes to work.
When a sequence of calculations subject to rounding error is made, errors may accumulate, sometimes dominating the calculation.
Cases where significant error accumulates are known as ill-conditioned.