You covered the 1988 massacre of 22 farm workers in Aguacate, Guatemala, with a single article that erroneously suggested guerrillas were responsible.
Earlier reports erroneously suggested the incoming shell exploded when it hit a market stall.
On the other hand, he erroneously suggested that a male child could be conceived at certain times of night or the month.
The song's lyrics erroneously suggest that Raphael is leader of the team, a role traditionally held by Leonardo.
The book erroneously suggests that the circus works because the fleas are intelligent, and thus capable of being trained.
"The availability of a Federal forum in these cases suggests erroneously that state courts and agencies are inadequate to the task."
Early reports about the medical emergency suggested erroneously that Senator Robert Byrd, the oldest member of the Senate, also fell ill during the luncheon.
Neurological examination may reveal a stiff neck in occasional cases (erroneously suggesting meningitis).
Interestingly, each of the oligonucleotide-derived expression ratios erroneously suggested that these genes were not differentially expressed in heart and brain tissues.
Genre-fans erroneously suggest that literary authors fail when they write genre books.