Typically, risks framed in relative terms are not explicit about the time frame involved and may be erroneously interpreted as accruing immediately.
This expression of the Liber pontificalis was erroneously interpreted to mean that in this gift the beginning of the States of the Church was to be recognized.
Richter had grossly underestimated the technical difficulties of achieving controlled fusion and had erroneously interpreted the results of his experiments.
It consists of a 245 millimetres long right maxilla with six large, up to five centimetres long, teeth, erroneously interpreted by von Meyer as the left maxilla.
The barcode itself does not contain a check digit (in contrast to-for instance-Code 128), but it can be considered self-checking on the grounds that a single erroneously interpreted bar cannot generate another valid character.
Many have erroneously interpreted these developments as the office of the stadtholder (at least in Holland and Zeeland) becoming "monarchical."
Many have erroneously interpreted this painting, contending that it represents "Maîtresse Zulie", a voodoo goddess.
Radiographs of the knees were erroneously interpreted as showing osteochondritis dissecans.
However, because this intelligence was filtered through the eyes of Orangist agents in the Republic and émigrés in England, it was erroneously interpreted as possible support for an Orangist restoration.
Mitchell was conducting an evening class this week in Indianapolis, about 40 miles from the Bloomington campus, when a television report was erroneously interpreted to mean that Bob Knight had resigned as the basketball coach.