I am happy, by the way, that Abate did not say that studying Latin helps you to think clearly-an erroneous notion still often heard.
Rankings contribute to the erroneous notion that a first-rate college education is something that one is handed upon admission.
He added that many politicians and members of the news media have spread "erroneous notions" about guns that need to be corrected.
The recordings further cemented the erroneous notion that the original piece was by Purcell.
He told the judge that the parents were laboring under the erroneous notion that their kids were "normal," when they clearly were not.
We must not be tricked by the popular and erroneous notion that the business sector offers a panacea to our educational problems.
The term "isobaric" points to the erroneous notion that the air pressure in the chamber between the loudspeakers is constant (the "isobaric" condition).
Nevertheless, this erroneous notion caused the belief that all mummies contained large amounts of asphaltum in their making.
Among the bad reasons is the erroneous notion that it's poisonous.
In response to association with utopianism, Fresco has stated, "We do not believe in the erroneous notion of a utopian society.