However, more recent analyses demonstrated that this arrangement was probably based on erroneous interpretation of characters:
A second time they had been sent on the wrong track by an erroneous interpretation of the document.
The danger is that this encourages simplistic - and possibly erroneous - interpretation.
Later scholarship showed this to have been an erroneous interpretation of a corrupted text.
These early and erroneous interpretations led to widespread public interest in Mars.
The letter had become public and had "given rise to erroneous and tendentious interpretations."
They may worry about the complexity of the tax laws, which provide many opportunities for creative or erroneous interpretations.
Have we made an erroneous interpretation of the document?
Upon analysis of elements of continuity within the images, researchers must be cautious to not make erroneous interpretations of change.
To look at it as 'the sky's the limit' is an erroneous interpretation.