Your problem earlier," she said, sounding very clinical, "was that you were once again entertaining erotic thoughts about me.
They were in bed, which was a suitable place for erotic thoughts; but now was hardly the right time.
And he wasn't going to entertain a single erotic thought about her current position.
I'm sure there wasn't one of his audience that night who didn't entertain erotic thoughts of life in Bangkok.
Mentally, he yanked himself away from his erotic thoughts.
Fox looked so soft and vulnerable right now, his head sizzled with wild, erotic thoughts.
Emerson may have had erotic thoughts about at least one man.
He wanted the woman, and his mind was seething with erotic thoughts and images.
I couldn't believe I was having erotic thoughts in the middle of a staff meeting.
The erotic thoughts that left no doubts about my own feelings towards him.