The photographs are endowed with as much erotic power, Playboy style, as photographer and model can muster.
As a skilled artist he is able to transformed the most innocent situations, charging them with erotic power.
In his mind he knew the outcome, but the waiting had an erotic power of its own.
Such is the erotic power of pasta that both of them are soon joining hands in the dough, and then embracing passionately.
Dominant lovers can use this practice to experience enjoyable and sometimes intensely craved feelings of sexual control and erotic power.
In a woman, it is the difference between mere erotic power and beauty that enchants a man, that humbles him.
The erotic power of food has been celebrated for centuries.
Slowly, slowly, she freed the erotic power chained within her.
Call's other research interests include intellectual history, science fiction studies, and the history of erotic power.
"Women my age are at the peak of their erotic power," she said.