Children now see erotic films and posters and read erotic books at an age when we had not thought about such things.
Stashed in his hiding place were a handful of dirty novels, highly erotic books he had found during fevered shopping trips to Miami.
Really, now, is it conceivable that such an erotic and scandalous book would have been placed in the Bible by the Christians you know?
Besides having the largest supply of beauty products outside a drugstore, she had an extensive collection of erotic books and videos.
Though the comic is largely known as an erotic or pornographic book, it does garner critical merit for its humor and occasional political commentary.
He is one of the largest collectors of erotic books and nude photographs in Europe.
In 1992, she wrote an opinion piece condemning her local library for carrying an erotic book by the singer Madonna.
Yes, there are erotic miniature books.