Aeolian landforms are features of the Earth's surface produced by either the erosive or constructive action of the wind.
There are many natural rock bridges over streams in the limestone districts of the Dales, formed by the erosive action of running water.
Before the erosive action of small Pleistocene glaciers wore the range down, it was higher and more sinister.
Characteristic of the country are the enormous fissures which divide it, formed over time by the erosive action of water.
As a result of the erosive action of waves and currents created, steep shores were formed that still characterise the landscape.
One unique phenomenon on the Garganic promontory is the carsismo, or springs, created by the erosive action of the water in the underground.
It is a natural monument sculpted by erosive actions, mainly of glaciers.
Saltation, which has already been discussed with reference to rivers, and the sea, is most significant in understanding the erosive action of sand.
Landslides, even minor quakes, changed the topography as the terrific erosive actions became evident.
A portion of the river took a bend against its bank and the water's erosive action slowly carved Cliffs of the Neuse.