Finally, C. emoryi may be utilized as a border along retention ponds, providing an attractive solution for erosion prevention and maintenance reduction along shorelines.
Nancy Dumas, a spokeswoman for Fort Monmouth, said that the stream was "essentially dry during nonrain periods" and that its bed had always been covered with grass as an erosion prevention.
Green manure crops are also useful for weed control, erosion prevention, and reduction of insect pests and diseases.
Mostly built on watercourses with steep gradients, they serve other purposes such as water oxygenation and erosion prevention.
It has also been used for erosion prevention and streambank stabilization because of extensive root systems.
The most effective known method for erosion prevention is to increase vegetative cover on the land, which helps prevent both wind and water erosion.
In more practical applications, jumps are created in the environment with specific purposes such as erosion prevention.
Among the islands of Hawaii, Casuarina are also grown for erosion prevention, and in general as wind breaking elements.
The motivations behind revegetation are diverse, answering needs that are both technical and aesthetic, but it is usually erosion prevention that is the primary reason.
These include fishing, hunting, hiking, birding, camping, water filtration/purification, climate moderation, flood mitigation, erosion prevention, and pest management.