It is mid-brown, has large erect ears, very short forelegs and long powerful hind legs.
Its erect ears and furrowed brow suggest interest in a viewer at this low eye level.
Now the erect pointed ears scanned for further clues as to the quarry's line of movement.
With the erect pink ears, it might also seem faintly obscene.
It has black erect ears and a black muzzle.
It is smaller than the common wolf, with very large, erect ears, and a bushy tail.
True to its name the breed is a big white-skinned pig, with erect ears and a dished face.
It is characterized by erect ears, a wolf-like head and a scissor bite.
It had large eyes, pointed erect ears, and long whiskers.
They are small-bodied animals with no wool on their faces, noses or legs, and small, erect ears.