The high-tech world was beginning to flourish, and the era quickly produced an aesthetic that telegraphed the new premium placed on industry.
His era produced a lot of good drivers.
The post-Soviet era has produced many more of these (as did the post-colonial period before it).
Our own era has produced conundrums no less disorienting.
As well, the era produced the country cowpunk of k.d. lang.
Krypton's primordial era produced some of the most dangerous organisms in the universe.
This era produced the first Russian university, library, theatre, public museum, and independent press.
In addition, this era also produced various enlightened individuals who were believed to possess the capacity to reform deviants.
The modern era has also produced a remarkable set of buildings from the mid-century style.
To a large extent, the notion of the black sheep is culturally determined, and each era produces its own particular version.