Like monoclonal antibodies, therapeutic vaccines for cancer are, after years of equivocal results, beginning to pay off.
Research on the self-esteem of bullies has produced equivocal results.
In addition, mammography frequently leads to false positive or equivocal results.
Additional concerns with measurement are related to the equivocal results found along GO dimensions.
"Studies designed to identify changes in strength in athletes who took steroids have yielded equivocal results."
An equivocal result on tTG testing should be followed by antibodies to endomysium.
Among them: How do you interpret equivocal or confusing results, and how does a patient react to a test's inherent uncertainty?
The experiments have had equivocal results.
That process could take weeks and, probably, as with all previous efforts, would yield only equivocal results.
Moreover, both documentation and expression may conjoin to yield equivocal results.