GPs using 084 and 087 numbers can migrate to the equivalent 034 or 037 version of their number without ending their phone service contracts.
A lighter version, the cisium, equivalent to a gig, was open above and in front and had a seat.
The following statements are equivalent version of this result:
Educational pamphlets on the method are available in many languages, each equivalent to the English language version.
Nevertheless, in the equivalent Mongolian version of the treaty, the terms designated independence were used.
The previous example is more efficient than this functionally equivalent version which calls once for every single file:
In each class of these drugs, several more or less equivalent versions have been introduced.
There are two equivalent version of normal form theorem in the case of free products.
Note that other equivalent versions of the test are possible.
Somewhere there's an equivalent version of you who is handling things differently, so it eliminates the need for decision making.