The classical way to represent a digital circuit is with an equivalent set of logic gates.
An equivalent set of equations can also be formulated in position space.
This principle has been and is currently debated: while and are two equivalent sets, revising by should produce different results.
The women use an equivalent set of terms in reference to the men.
The basis set may consist of time, length, mass, charge, and temperature, or an equivalent set.
Most Linux systems use a roughly equivalent set of fortune to other Unix types.
One solution would be to eliminate all tax deductions and credits and replace them with an equivalent set of grant programs.
They will also pay a premium of $1,000 to $1,500 above the cost of an equivalent set today.
Finding an equivalent set of terms for the threat posed by bin Laden and others will take longer still.
In set theory, which is capable of acting as an axiomatic foundation for modern mathematics, natural numbers can be represented by classes of equivalent sets.