It just took a little more effort and exacted a more than equivalent cost.
In 2007 the equivalent cost was £4,063 for 35 weeks.
The only possible way through is the printing press and inflation, which would effectively reduce the real value of debt at an equivalent cost to savers.
Is he saying that these benefits will remain taxable but that the equivalent cost of the benefit will be calculated on some different basis?
Efficient installation without costly wiring runs results in 48% lower cost than equivalent wired system.
Selling eBooks at equivalent cost to physical books is a blatant ripoff.
Japan will purchase all the materials for exports 10 percent cheaper than the equivalent cost for American industrial companies.
However, the equivalent cost for candidate countries in central Europe is covered out of Community funds.
Investments of this sort create more jobs than tax cuts of equivalent cost, and they add to the economy's productive potential.
Residents of others states will also be eligible, though only up to the equivalent cost for Californians.