Another advantage is that your new investment can be put into a personal equity plan, which means income and capital gains will then be tax-free.
The income is tax-free because your units are held in a personal equity plan.
Another popular approach is broad-based option and similar equity plans.
People can subscribe £1,500 a year to such a trust through a general personal equity plan (PEP).
The company will be managed so that the ordinary shares will qualify for inclusion in a general personal equity plan.
The public can also apply for shares in the international offer through, for example, a personal equity plan.
Most of them owned stock, but only the company's officers held voting stock, and they already had approved the equity plan.
If you're not interested in unit trusts, how about a personal equity plan?
Can you please tell me what the rules are as regards holding cash, as I have recently taken out a personal equity plan?
We put £50 a month into a personal equity plan.