Instead, it is talking more of relying upon economic growth to deliver a more equitable share of South Africa's resources to the country's black majority.
It also calls for a more equitable share of the country's resources.
Nor do these savings require the 38 million current participants to bear a more equitable share of the burden of this middle-class entitlement.
The majors want the minors to pick up what they think would be a more equitable share of the expenses.
But they said the new formula should eventually help the city, which has 37 percent of the state's students, to receive an equitable share of state aid.
However, a distribution whereby many or most players (democracy) remain, with smaller and roughly equitable shares of the tokens, is highly unlikely.
Strips were periodically re-allocated on the basis of a census, to ensure equitable share of the land.
The shortchanging seems particularly egregious since the city can make a good case for more than an equitable numerical share of state funds.
However the burden was too much for the female-only group and communities now split the work with an equitable share of duties.
The time is ripe for companies to give their employees shares in the company and equitable shares in the profits as well.