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Some of these equipotential surfaces are shown in Fig. 2.2 with dotted lines.
The equipotential surfaces are given by the equation, where k is a constant.
Notice that the field lines are perpendicular to the equipotential surfaces.
Yes, you guessed correctly, we are going to investigate the equipotential surfaces and field lines of two point charges.
It cuts at right angles every equipotential surface which it meets.
Furthermore, equipotential surfaces are always perpendicular to the net electric field lines passing through it.
The electrodes are planar, parallel, equipotential surfaces of infinite dimensions.
The two together can be described by a potential, so that, for example, the stellar surfaces lie along equipotential surfaces.
The equipotential surfaces are obviously planes.
The geoid is a particular equipotential surface, and is somewhat involved to compute.
Technically, an equipotential surface of the true geopotential, chosen to coincide (on average) with mean sea level.
Aquadag is not subject to such effects, and provides a completely uniform equipotential surface for electrostatics.
Equipotential surfaces are surfaces of constant scalar potential.
These bodies have strong gravitational fields that diminish with distance in space and which act to alter the shape of an equipotential surface on the Earth.
The collector may take various shapes, as long as it results in a smooth equipotential surface underneath the corona wire.
The Sea level is close to one of the equipotential surfaces of the geopotential of gravity.
Doing a bit of analytical geometry it turns out that the equipotential surfaces are circular cylinders as shown by dotted lines in Fig. 2.22.
It is more accurate to approximate the geopotential by a field that has the Earth reference ellipsoid as one of its equipotential surfaces, however.
This equipotential surface, or surface of constant geopotential, is called the geoid.
A hydrostatic seal is created when the ice is so much higher around the lake that the equipotential surface dips down into impermeable ground.
Being an equipotential surface, the geoid is by definition a surface to which the force of gravity is everywhere perpendicular.
Fluctuating fields cannot exist inside a fixed equipotential surface (that of the braid here) on account of fluctuating external charge.
The reference surface for orthometric heights is the geoid, an equipotential surface approximating mean sea level.
The simplest way of introducing the method is to present again the field lines and the equipotential surfaces for two equal charges of opposite sign (Fig. 2.4).
A ball will not be accelerated by the force of gravity if it is resting on a flat, horizontal surface, because it is an equipotential surface.