Men and equipment were moving through the ship.
There are large doors on both the north and south sides of this area, where trucks and equipment can move through.
It will take us a while to get the equipment moved in and set up and tested, and we don't want to alert her.
Before all the employees and equipment moved into the new facility in May 2002, Signature increased its lease space to 100,000 square feet.
In 2003 to company moved to exclusively use Cisco's equipment.
They wore the first really effective anti-radiation equipment; what was left of American production moved to the moon along with the governments.
"The equipment moving at night sometimes upsets the camels," he said.
The men and equipment she had seen, therefore, should have been moving west.
Later, the crew and equipment moved to an old estate and big house.
By the Second World War tactics and equipment had moved on.