Poorly maintained equipment can limit productivity and may even cause or contribute to injuries.
Thus, any equipment falling into German hands might cause a few raised eyebrows, but it would be unlikely to arouse further suspicions.
This extra equipment has caused the design of Husky to evolve to take a second crew member.
And equipment that makes no use of radio frequencies can also cause interference.
There's a tremendous fear that the heavy earth-moving equipment we've brought in could cause collapse.
Inexpensive home-recording equipment, meanwhile, may cause a minor economic revolution in the recording business.
This equipment, combined with the closed workspace that underground miners work in, can cause hearing loss.
This created enormous technical issues for the crew with the possibility that the equipment could cause a blackout in the entire neighborhood.
Likewise, poor or outdated equipment, particularly the failure of management to introduce new technology, may also cause problems.
Here equipment like computer screens can cause problems.