The world's largest equestrian sculpture, when completed, will be the Crazy Horse Memorial.
The most recent project completed by Eagle Bronze is the largest equestrian sculpture in the world.
It is said to be the largest equestrian sculpture in the world.
In front of the basilica, a monumental façade was the background of a large, equestrian sculpture of the Emperor.
Some biographical accounts have him crying on his death bed over the unfulfilled vision - to create the largest equestrian sculpture in the world.
The courser was there, in the hollow of his mind's eye, like some exquisite equestrian sculpture emerging perfect and unflawed from a thick, noisome fog.
The first to be completed was an equestrian sculpture at Halifax, unveiled in September 1864.
The master of equestrian sculpture also produced medallic art.
For example, a huge equestrian sculpture has been installed as the focal point of a long tree lined vista from the house.
Copies of both saints are portrayed by corresponding equestrian sculptures next to the main entrance upon high pilasters below the particular towers.