This equation states that in the absence of any aggregate demand shock (that is, if v t is zero), output will equal its natural level,,.
This equation states that all current exiting one domain must enter the other.
Replies: Einstein's famous equation states the equivalency of energy and mass.
These equations state that when the ball is above ground, it is being drawn to the ground by gravity.
This equation states that the position probability density diffuses out over time.
This equation states that hydraulic head is a harmonic function, and has many analogs in other fields.
An equation states that two expressions are equal using the symbol for equality, (the equals sign).
In physics, this equation states that is a solution of Einstein's vacuum field equations with cosmological constant.
By using the definition of an average, this equation states that when the acceleration is constant average velocity times time equals displacement.
In terms of field lines, this equation states that magnetic field lines neither begin nor end but make loops or extend to infinity and back.